Thursday 31 October 2013

Inner Peace

                  Inner Peace

Maldives, one of the prettiest places in the whole world. This photo was taken from a plane window when I was about to land. The ocean is so clean that you can see the layers of the water distinguished by color tones. The sky is so clear with endless clouds, totally without pollution and human destruction. It’s hard to imagine that a place like this actually exists. This photo could be said as plain but isn’t this what we need when we’re in such a complicated world. Away from people, stressor and back to embrace Mother Nature and reclaim the very basic inner peace that we once had when we’re a child.

In cities, we are surrounded with low air quality and polluted environments due to industrialization. This is the reason why the rates of people getting cancer are rising annually. Nature is the cure for everything, fresh air, clear water and unpolluted environments are everything you need to regain calmness.

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