Sunday 3 November 2013

Ordinary yet Extraordinary...

Tara Donovan is an installation artist who transformed the ordinary into extraordinary. According to her, her installations mirror the ways of nature, particularly growth, and hence her work usually commences as a single unit until it blossoms to its full potential- portraying development. Another intriguing aspect about her projects is that she utilizes day-to-day materials to craft a beautiful piece that radiates a sense of life into a particular space. Using paper cups to exude that magical effect is rather impressive. She makes her materials not exactly transparent, but at least translucent or reflective - and plain to anyone to see. The plainness is in fact the art. They shimmer nonetheless, in unpredictable ways no matter how often one comes close or views from afar. Her installations come out as abstract art pieces to the naked eye making it look like it is not fabricated from commonly used materials, but rather from something rich and significant.
 "Extraordinary installations can surface from ordinary materials."
Creative Commons License

Ordinary yet Extraordinary by Pooja Bhojwani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Singapore License.
Based on a work at

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