Friday 10 January 2014

HAI MY BLOGGGG!!! I'm back from my "hibernation" haha..

    Hai pals, I just got back from my long longg holiday :D But it's a bit short actually. The place where i belong was always too bad to be left. *sigh*
Ok, anyway school was "welcoming" me again with so many new friends, new class, new teachers, and dawns ofcourse.
On the 4th day of my first week i learned again about creative thinking. But now its called a bit different, we called it Design Process class.
   It didn't have so many differences between them actually, because as what we've learned before, how to design, create, imagine, solve, mind map, and etcetera we'll be learning it all again in this class.

             Back to the first topic, let's talk about the class. It was quite interesting. Ms. Mariene Yang and Mr. Ang Chiat will be our lecturers for the next 14 weeks for this lessons. The first thing we did was getting in our new groups, based on our names and classes. We were united with class D hehehe...
   And yeaahh i lost the scissor paper rock kind of game, and i became the leader of my group.
And i'm in the 4th group. Me, Gaby, Glory, and Pauline.
   That first lesson gave us so many topics to choose. And we decided to pick "Children bags' too heavy." It was based on our "very quick" brainstorm and discussion on our table.
And our very first meeting will be held next week, before the class started.

      Buuutttt, my own opinion about our topic is not as simple as that "kiddy colourful backpack".
The first reason from me personally, it's a big big problem which has started since they're really young. The biggest factor is ofcourse the curriculum of the education. The light books are really rare to find nowadays. Especially those that titled history, or something as thick as a Holly Bible. The next reason is the "less care" of their parents. Every single day, the lessons from normal junior high school or even from elementary school will always change. Some parents even don't look care a lot about that. So their children just pack all their one day book package in their bags, then carry it half of day. And somehow, the bag's quality can be a big problem. Because perhaps it doesn't complete the standard quality of how it supposed to be. Then it doesn't support the weight of children's belongings as well. So some back and  humped problem will be coming soon.

And here are my secondary research according to the topic....

   "Despite parents' best efforts to protect their children from getting hurt, one of the greatest sources of potential injury which often goes unnoticed is the school backpack. According to a report in NewsWise, the school bag carried by children everyday causes pain and fatigue to as many as 50 per cent of children today. " 

    A study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association has found that more than 50 per cent of children surveyed carry backpacks heavier than 15 per cent of their body weight. 

"Children carrying this kind of weight can develop serious back pain and other problems that can require treatment," says Avrom Gart, Medical Director at the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders. 

"To manage the load, children sometimes arch their backs or lean forward, causing them to develop poor posture as they grow," 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Every woman's needs

"Salvatorr Ferragmo, Signorina" was my final year project during ITE.
The project was to design a shop in Changi airport to attract customers
to visit another country via our airlines.
My design concept was from the perfume "Signorina" from Italy.
I used Italy's famous leaning tower and the shape of the perfume bottle
to design the shop.
The fragrance, colours and elegance have all been incorporated into this design
and of course not forgetting the country where the perfume came from and 
signifying Italy's famous building.
Elegant and vanity yet fragile like a glass like every woman was the key to my design.

Creative Commons License

Signorina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Find Your Freedom

This is one of the paintings I did in my secondary school days. It is related to the topic, Freedom. Freedom is life, it is a gift. Everybody wants to be free, even the sea creatures. Without freedom life becomes dull. Freedom has many denotations, let alone definitions, but the connotation is not the same to everyone. Freedom is probably one of the most expensive things in the world yet it is one of the things most taken advantage of.  We are lucky to be in a society of freedom. Yes, some people take advantage of it, but, why not? Freedom is a wonderful entity but it might not last forever. If chances were never taken and if discoveries were never made, what would the world be like? Without freedom, life would not be as exciting or adventurous. Yes, our freedom was in danger, but it was not taken away from us. We may not be free forever, so let’s enjoy it while we can. Just remember, we are the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Creative Commons Licence
Find Your Freedom by Ranjeeta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Sunday 3 November 2013

Ordinary yet Extraordinary...

Tara Donovan is an installation artist who transformed the ordinary into extraordinary. According to her, her installations mirror the ways of nature, particularly growth, and hence her work usually commences as a single unit until it blossoms to its full potential- portraying development. Another intriguing aspect about her projects is that she utilizes day-to-day materials to craft a beautiful piece that radiates a sense of life into a particular space. Using paper cups to exude that magical effect is rather impressive. She makes her materials not exactly transparent, but at least translucent or reflective - and plain to anyone to see. The plainness is in fact the art. They shimmer nonetheless, in unpredictable ways no matter how often one comes close or views from afar. Her installations come out as abstract art pieces to the naked eye making it look like it is not fabricated from commonly used materials, but rather from something rich and significant.
 "Extraordinary installations can surface from ordinary materials."
Creative Commons License

Ordinary yet Extraordinary by Pooja Bhojwani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Singapore License.
Based on a work at


   Dance plays an important role in our life. It allows us to relax our mind and building up stronger relationship with others. Therefore, I choose a type of dance, "Tango" for my theme. Tango is a vibrant and playful dance because it involves a lot of expression, improvisation and connection. It is often described as a passionate dance because of the close connection and relation of both partners.

   In my opinion, Tango dance is one of the most powerful way to enhance the relationship of one another in a fun and vibrant way. The above artwork completely brings out the message of how wonderful the Tango dance can enhance the relationship of both parties and enrich their life. This artwork is illustrating the beauty of the lady and the gentleman while dancing Tango. In this artwork, I also illustrates the wonderful of how Tango dance can enrich their colourful life by painting the background of the artwork in colourful and glittering up their life by putting some glitter powder on the figures. 

    I am very proud of this artwork because this drawing can fully illustrate my feelings, thinking and imagination. I strongly believe that this poster can attracts public's attention and bring out a clear message of how Tango dance can enrich our life. 
Creative Commons License
TANGO NIGHT by TRAN BOI HIEN is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Friday 1 November 2013


Every now and then go away , have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power of judgment. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller, and more of it can be taken in at a glance, and a lack of harmony or portion is more readily seen. 

Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind. 

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
This is one picture that I clicked when I waked up early and sitting in the bus stop. the sunshine just poured down from the sky, that moment life seems to be so simple.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Repetition of Pasta

Repetition Sculpture

Creative Commons Licence
Repetition of Pasta by Cecilia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

            This picture is one of my assignments for my 3D Fundamental module. The lecturer asked us to make a sculpture with repetition as the theme. She said that it's better to make a sculpture that has unique materials so I used pastas as my main materials for my repetition assignment. Other than pastas, I also used toothpicks as my sculpture base. I used pastas as my sculpture because I'm quite fond of the pastas' shape (the shell pastas have a very unique and interesting shape) and the other reason is that I want to make something from our daily life routine and the first thing that popped into my mind is food so that's why I used pastas in my sculpture.
            It's not hard to make this sculpture but it's hard to glued all the pastas and the toothpicks together. The pastas fell often because the top part of the sculpture is quite heavy and has an uneven surface and as for the toothpicks, they can't be easily glued because they wouldn't stayed for a long time If I glued them altogether so I must glued them one-by-one.
            From this sculpture, I try to triggered the viewers' thoughts on something around them that might have other function to make/do something different from its usual function.